Outfit: Color Block Top + Flower Shorts.

Mar 20, 2013

Photos by Amanda Cantrell
top: Mossimo@Target 
shorts: Wet Seal
 shoes: Brash@Payless ShoeSource 
bracelet: Charlotte Russe

Just a quick, summery outfit post.

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Outfit: Blue Cardi + Lace Shirt.

Mar 14, 2013

Pictures by Amanda Cantrell
sweater+ undershirt: thrifted
lace t-shirt: Wet Seal
jeans: Aeropostale
 shoes: Charlotte Russe
 earrings: Icing by Claire's

I've realized I'm not that much of a risk-taker in college when it comes to my outfits, and well, my plans for the summer are to be a bit more stand off-ish, if you will. For now, I'm sticking to a point that my Fundamentals of Fashion professor made: I'm on a college campus, so I don't want to stand out as a 'fashion victim'. And it's true. I see girls walking around in heels-- not wedges, but full on heels, and more sparkle than my poor eyes can handle and I can't help but stare. I guess there's an appropriate time to wear those things, but a Southern New Mexico college campus is just not the place. I hope my little rant isn't too offensive.

Thank you so much for stopping by!

Outfit: Casual Top + Blazer.

Mar 4, 2013

Photos by Amanda Cantrell
blazer: thrifted
shirt: Aeropostale
jeans: Kenvelo
shoes: Christian Siriano for Payless
necklace: Rue 21

Today has been a busy, but beautiful day. I had to run a few errands, but I still wanted to look relatively tall, so comfortable wedges were a must. The center of today's outfit was this Rue21 necklace that I purchased on sale for probably less than $2. What a beautiful steal! 

With a postponed test, a cancelled class, high exam grades, beautiful weather, and a great workout, today has been absolutely perfect. And in this outfit, it has been perfectly comfortable :)

Thank you so much for stopping by! 

Outfit: Slouchy Sweatshirt + Body-Con Skirt.

Mar 1, 2013

Photos by Amanda Cantrell
sweatshirt: Michael Kors 
skirt: Forever21
 tights: Charlotte Russe
 hat: Wet Seal
 boots: thrifted 
scarf: unknown

I've been incredibly sick these past few days, so I guess you could say slouch is my middle name. Since Thursday I got this new burst of energy- the type you get once you feel better after being sick and you feel like you can take over the world and such- I decided to semi-dress up. For comfort purposes I stuck with the slouchy look, but I wanted to feel a bit less repulsive so I opted for a pretty skirt and tights. Overall I was incredibly satisfied with the result. I felt girly, but not show off-ish.

I could go on entire rants about fashion in college and the way some girls just overdo it. My Fundamentals of Fashion professor goes on entire rants about it and it's absolutely hilarious. Don't get me wrong, I love my glitter and heels just like every other girl, but walking a college campus in stilettos just seems a wee bit exaggerated in my world. Though stilettos in high school were completely socially acceptable, or at least I pretended they were :)

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