A Girl and Her High Waisted Bikini.

Jul 31, 2017

Photos by Aidan Bradbury-Aranda
bikini: Forever 21
bodychain: Icing
skirt: H&M

Phew, it's been a long road guys, but here we are: the last batch of photos from Mexico. Since it's nearly August and the LA heatwave is in full swing, it was only appropriate to FINALLY put out a bikini look. I realize now I didn't get to document the bottoms in photo form, but if you're curious, have yourself a stalk on YouTube, where I put together a (pretty well-done, if I do say so myself) summer vacation lookbook. 

A couple of years back, Forever 21 had an identity crisis where it was really feeling the warehouse discount store look, but I'm really happy to see them back up and putting out some pretty cute stuff. I might be a bit too old to be shopping there still, but let's be real - F21 and I will probably never break up. I'm just that person: the person who graduated college before she stopped reading Seventeen Magazine. #WHOOPS

Anyway, I leave you today with these au naturel beach day pride shots. And I say pride because, believe it or not, both the boyfriend and I were under a vicious virus attack during the making of these photos (and that entire YouTube lookbook, for that matter). I guess it's comforting to know that we clean up pretty nicely even when the behind-the-scenes reel includes antibiotics, loads of fever-filled cuddles, and the occasional puke sesh? 

Thank you for being here :)

Bell Sleeves for Hot Summer Nights.

Jul 28, 2017

Okay, now that I've posted these photos absolutely everywhere, it was time to finally add the entire look to the blog. If you've somehow come across my Vacation Lookbook, you already caught a glimpse of what is one of my favorite shoots ever. 

Statement sleeves have been yuuuge this summer, and while it took a moment to find an Ada-friendly version of the trend, the juniors' section at Target had my back. I am absolutely in love with this top and this look's entirety - and have probably never owned a garment that made me feel sultrier. If a couple of years ago, you would have told me that I'd be wearing something that puts half my stomach on full display AND feeling hella fabulous in it, I would have called you mad. But guys, feast your eyes on the power of clothing. 

Today, I challenge you to go out and find a piece you love - a piece that highlights a part of your body that society has deemed imperfect, and watch yourself bathe in confidence. Lemme know how it goes.
Photos by Aidan Bradbury-Aranda
earrings: gifted
necklace: Altitude Jewelry 
pants: Charlotte Russe 
bag: Rebecca Minkoff
shoes: Jeffrey Campbell 

Thanks for being here. You rock!

Summer Vacation Lookbook 2017.

Jul 25, 2017

While words are generally my preferred method of communication, sometimes it's kind of fun to try new things. Soooo...without further ado, the boyfriend and I did some vacation lookbook experimenting. Hope you guys enjoy. I'd love to hear your thoughts!

As always, thanks for stopping by!

The Simple (Vacay) Life.

Jul 20, 2017

When talking about vacation clothes, one of the bloggers I avidly follow was mentioning her rule for packing - it all needs to be flowy. Girrrrrl, do I feel you. There's three more looks from this trip coming your way, and each one of them has at least one element that's breathable and has movement. For someone who claims to not be boho, I really stand by my vacay loose clothes and rustic patterns. 

There's not much to say about this simple, shorts and crop top pairing - it just is what it needs to be and brings comfort to the most heatwave-plagued days. Let's take a moment and zoom in on that necklace, though. I bought it during the high school years, at a Bucharest (Romania) arts and crafts fair. Its DIY aesthetic definitely captured my attention and I thought I was the biggest badass for buying something that all of my friends would probably never be caught wearing. You know that person that just naturally "pulls off" stuff (or at least aspires to)? Yeahhh, that may or may not have been me during that time. And, well, forever aspiring. 
Photos by Aidan Bradbury-Aranda
sunglasses: Warby Parker
earrings: unknown
necklace: Romanian fair
bag: H&M
top: Charlotte Russe
shorts: H&M
sandals: Crossroads Trading Co.  

Thank you for stopping by :) 

Inexpensive Summer Shorts for Curves.

Jul 16, 2017

You. Guys! I am the most picky about bottoms - as in, I want them inexpensive and fitting like a glove, which is usually a witch hunt since I'm short and, well, round. As you've probably noticed if you've been around these parts before, my collection of bottoms is very minimal... but lawd knows I try. 

Now enter my surprise guest: Forever 21. I'm honestly still in shock that I'm saying this. Although their $9 skinny denim has always been kind to me, I still find them a bit rough in the bottoms department otherwise. But hey, after discovering their freakin' awesome formfitting distressed denim shorts, I might just stand corrected. Really though, I'm impressed with the way in which Forever 21 is constantly improving its styles. From their swimsuits to their super dope plus size section, they're definitely one major retailer to keep on watching. 

Stay tuned for more vacay looks, and maybe possibly even a YouTube lookbook *gasp* Happy Sunday, fam!
Photos by Aidan Bradbury-Aranda
sunglasses: Warby Parker
necklace: Romanian seaside market
top: Crossroads Trading Co.
shorts: Forever 21
bag: H&M
sandals: Crossroads Trading Co. 

Thanks for stopping by!

Sun's Out, Jumpsuits Out.

Jul 10, 2017

Hellooooo, LA heat wave (And lost souls that somehow ended up on this blog. Hello! Hi! Luv yah!). Well, guys, it's finally summer - as in, sizzling, YouTube-worthy eggs frying on the sidewalk summer.  What's a girl to do besides plop herself in front of an AC unit with a pint of ice cream in hand? Wear a cute, breathable jumpsuit, of course. This lil' number, a relic from my time in retail, is finally making an appearance after being hidden from the blog for ages. 

Here's a question for any bloggers stumbling around here: what do you think constitutes a fashion/personal style blogger? I ask because part of the reason this jumpsuit's been hidden was me thinking it's not "blog worthy." But what does that even mean? At the end of the day, your blog should be your space and speak your truth, amirite? How you do you guys keep your head on straight in a blogging world that seems to just be after a huge following and monetization? Help a sister out! 
Photos by Aidan Bradbury-Aranda
sunglasses: Warby Parker
earrings: unknown
bag: Aldo
shoes: Adidas Neo via DSW (similar here)
jumpsuit: Crossroads Trading Co. 

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