Outfit: Red Velvet Crop Top.

Feb 25, 2014

Photos by Aidan Bradbury-Aranda
earrings: unknown
necklace: Rue 21
crop top: Derek Heart (thrifted)
skirt: Wet Seal
boots: Charlotte Russe
bag: thrifted

I wore this outfit for an old town chocolate-filled date with my boyfriend when he came to visit during Valentine's weekend. I'm such a huge fan of this outfit, and on the day of, wearing it felt great! Looking back on the pictures, however, just feels disappointing.

Maybe it's the weather, maybe it's just me, but this past week and then some has been a continuous letdown. I wake up even more tired than when I go to bed. I burn my scalp every day in the shower because the water is always too hot. I stare at computer screens all day. I put off going to the gym. I eat one too many chocolate chip cookies. I repeat. I digress.

I think at some point I was just going to mention looking at those pictures, not seeing myself, and craving the memories of the year before. I miss the feeling of novelty and strength that came with being a freshman, with being able to be where I wanted to be, when I wanted to be there, with absorbing new knowledge every day. Now it's all routine, a constant funk that I can't seem to get out of.

There are two main things that bring joy to my life as a student these days- going to work and posting on this blog. I wish there would be someone willing to photograph me every day, so that I could post all the time. I wish I could vent about life and clothes and school and accessories and all these other things that most people probably don't care much about. The beautiful thing, though, is that I don't have to worry about what others care about because this is my little corner of the internet. I don't think this ramble is going anywhere, so I might as well stop here. Hopefully there's better days ahead!

Thank you so much for stopping by :)

Outfit: Printed LC by Lauren Conrad Dress.

Feb 22, 2014

Photos by Aidan Bradbury-Aranda
hair accessory: thrifted
jacket: Dolled Up
necklace: Rue21
dress: LC by Lauren Conrad at Kohl's
belt: boutique in Romania
bag: Ross Dress for Less
shoes: Dolce Vita

If there's anyone who's made a successful career in mostly everything I have even a remote interest in, it's Lauren Conrad. She's written both fiction and nonfiction, she's held fashion internships, and now, she's designing her own collections! At 28, she's achieved much more than others may hope to achieve in a lifetime, and contrary to the general reality TV-star trend, she's managed to do so while staying true to herself and growing in knowledge rather than plastic surgeries.

I could ramble on and on about the many ways in which LC has and continues to inspire me. Recently, during an interview, she was asked what her favorite position was, and without missing a beat she answered CEO. Such a great answer, right? I just really cherish Lauren Conrad's presence in the world, and truly believe she's a great role model for girls everywhere!

I purchased the dress on sale at Kohl's for $12 and could not believe my luck! It was a size S, which under normal circumstances would be a wee bit tight, but somehow this particular dress fit like a charm. I've been wanting to own some LC by Lauren Conrad clothes for a while, but I've never been one to invest over $30 for a piece of clothing, so I waited it out. In the end, I'm glad I did. Along with this dress, I also purchased a blouse and a pair of jeggings for $12 each. They even gave me a $10 off coupon for future purchases, so naturally I went back and bought ANOTHER LC by Lauren Conrad dress.... for only $2. Now if that's not the best shopping day ever, I don't know what is!

I love LC! I love the fact that her clothes are cute, functional, and versatile. In every single collection, I've felt girl power vibes- I've felt encouraged to look my best for myself, in clothes that promote self-respect. And as a female in my young 20's, I believe it's something that should be more prominent within our current society.

Thank you for stopping by! :)

Click here for more beautiful LC by Lauren Conrad dresses (and some pretty sweet sales), courtesy of Kohl's.

Outfit: Valentine's Day LBD.

Feb 18, 2014

Photos by Aidan Bradbury-Aranda
jewelry: made by boyfriend
clutch: thrifted
dress: Xhilaration (purchased at Target)
jacket: thrifted
heels: Rue21

Back in the day, I used to be the Scrooge of Valentine's Day. There was nothing I hated more than seeing all the girls parading around their huge stuffed teddy bears in the hallway after first period. And me...well, Valentine-less. I don't remember high school that well, but I feel like I'd occasionally get a little card from one of my girl friends in an attempt to cheer me up. Maybe. In my mind, I reached an absolute low when my dad felt bad about me and bought me candy. Now I would kill for that heart-shaped chocolate.

Fast forward a few years, and I still don't get huge stuffed teddy bears. I did, however, get a Great Gatsby T-shirt and homemade bread because my boyfriend knows me too well. But the best present ever was getting to see him for two way too short days this past weekend!

Being in a long distance relationship allows you to always find excitement in the mundane things. Cuddling, watching movies, hiking, even doing homework in each other's presence is always a new and exciting experience. Getting to show the other person even a tiny glimpse into your everyday life- your favorite restaurants, your favorite on-campus building, your stats homework- is such a reassuring activity that can't be taken for granted. Two days together per month is an unthinkable amount for many couples, but for us it's a privilege that must be embraced rather than dwelled upon.

Hope everyone had a lovely Valentine's Day! Thank you so much for stopping by! :)

Outfit: Oversized Pink Blazer.

Feb 5, 2014

Photos by Laura DeMouche
bow- Icing by Claire's
pearl set- Icing by Claire's
earrings- Charlotte Russe
scarf- unknown
tank top- Romanian boutique
cardigan- Candie's at Kohl's
jeggings- LC Lauren Conrad
bag- thrifted
shoes- Bongo at KMart

On Friday, I went back to my girly ways in order to get through the day. I believe that my clothes are a direct representations of my feelings- or, at least, where I'm trying to be at with my feelings- during a certain time frame. I'm the type of girl who will always dress up during finals week in an attempt to fail stylishly (though, let's be honest, I always end up doing well on finals). The week before finals, however, you can tell how drowned in my misery I am by how gym rat-looking my OOTD is. 

Since Fridays are my short days and I get out before 11 a.m., my outfit called for a celebration! Pastel colors kept my spirit warm while my physical self was freezing its bottom off from the unexpectedly cold Las Cruces weather. I'm a huge advocate of switching up color choices and adapting them to the season they least match in theory. An eternally black palette keeps me forever grounded in the winter mindset, whereas soft pinks and grays allow me to drift back to summer days and the feel of sunshine on my arms.

I can't wait for spring and summer to be here again.... so then I can defy the rules and wear all of the dark colors, all of the time.

Thank you so much for stopping by! Hope you're all keeping warm :)

Outfit: Vintage Denim Jacket and Jeggings.

Feb 4, 2014

Photos by Laura DeMouche
beanie- Wet Seal
earrings- Forever 21
necklace- Rue21
scarf- unknown
denim jacket- thrifted (Jordache) 
baseball tee- Disney
backpack- Icing by Claire's
cami (underneath)- Blu Chic
jeggings- Savage Art
wedges- Dolce Vita 

Ever since I purchased this denim jacket at my local thrift store, I knew that it would eventually have its moment- it was just a matter of when. At least two years have passed since it's been laying around in my closet, constantly avoided in favor of newly bought girly silhouette coats and blazers. This winter, however, it's been one of my go-to's. I love its effortlessly 90's vibe and the vintage edge it brings to my style.

Lately I've been trying to pinpoint what my outfit choices are becoming, and I've come to the conclusion that my style is leaning towards girly with a dash of edge. I'm always into pink, and purple, and brights in general, but I enjoy accessorizing with studs, massive hats, and 90's denim. That being said, I have been toying with the idea of changing the name of my blog to something that better represents my niche. So, pretty soon, I believe you'll have a revamped blog going by the name of "Curvy with a Dash of Edge". I will explain my choice later on in the week, as I decide whether I truly want to change the blog's name. Until then, however, I leave you with this comfy, casual, girly-edgy outfit.

Thank you so much for stopping by!

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