Lifestyle: The Wardrobe Purge: What to do with Unwanted Clothes.

Oct 6, 2014

Ah, The Wardrobe Purge! Don’t think I’ve forgotten about my little de-cluttering series. While I’ve been working hard on stocking up on new fall closet staples and summer sale items (fall haul coming to the YouTube channel within the next week!), I haven’t overlooked my promise to inspire a life filled with de-cluttering and happiness. In case you have no clue what I’m talking about, check out the first two parts of my Wardrobe Purge series here and here. Now, without further ado, here are my suggestions for a peaceful break-up with your unwanted clothes.

This is for all the selfless beauties out there- all you gorgeous people that believe giving presents is the best part of Christmas. Salvation Army, Goodwill- just two of the places that will gladly accept your unwanted clothes, as long as they are in wearable condition. Local thrift stores are also a great place to drop off your unwanted clothes, and go out on the hunt for a new batch of USEFUL garments while you’re at it. For those looking to fill their hearts with joy while getting rid of some clutter, I suggest taking the time to go into an orphanage and donate to some children that are really in need- but don’t go drop things off and leave quickly. Stay a while. Make cute little friends and make sure to give them lots of smiles and hugs on top of your clothes. 

For those of you that are more into the instant gratification way of life, exchange parties are the way to go! Get a bunch of friends together (make sure you’ve got a lot of different beautiful body types so everyone has someone to exchange with), invest in some good tea and cookies, throw in a stylish chick flick (The Devil Wears Prada never gets old) and host an exchange social in the comfort of your own home. Productive girl time is where it’s at. 

Another one for my instant gratification gals. Sell those cute wearable clothes! Garage sales could be successful, depending on how much work you’re willing to put into them in terms of promotion (some cute posters + a Facebook event = pretty good exposure). For the lazier folk, I suggest Plato’s Closet for trendy teenage- early 20s clothes and Buffalo Exchange for quirkier items. I’ve never sold to Buffalo Exchange before, but Plato’s Closet was very easy to work with! They didn’t take a lot of my stuff, but paid up $11 for the three shirts they did want- which is about how much I paid for them brand new from the sales rack at various mall favorites, so I think that went pretty well!

I hope this post has inspired you to take some action in getting rid of those clothes laying around the basement. The more you get rid of stuff that you haven’t worn in forever/ don’t see yourself wearing in forever, the more it allows you to focus on those items that fit your personal style and show potential. As a plus, after you see how much you can do without, you’re going to be really picky about what comes in afterward! I wholeheartedly recommend taking that one weekend to get everything in your closet in check. 

Good luck! Thank you for stopping by! 


  1. I am in total need of a closet purge! I have so many clothes that have been collecting dust in my closet, but I always convince myself that I'll wear them one day haha. I usually go down the donation route! I think that is the best way to reuse your older pieces. Great post!


    Looks by Lau

    1. Thank you! :) I'm always in the process of getting rid of my stuff. It hurts for about an hour or two, then I forget they existed and feel much more liberated!

  2. Like Christina mentioned above, I'm in need of some closet purging and decluttering myself. It's crazy how much we accumulate over the course of a year or two!!

    Thanks for the great tips. I hadn't heard of Buffalo Exchange before but I'll have to go check them out!


    1. Thank you for stopping by! Yes, I've never even realized how much I had accumulated until I threw everything out in the middle of my room...and couldn't walk unless I stepped on things :/

  3. Thank you! I will check it out! :)


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