Lifestyle: The Wardrobe Purge: Part 1.

Jul 10, 2014

Greetings, friends! I'd like to introduce you to my new blog series, The Wardrobe Purge.

Having to pack my stuff and move this summer, I realized that I own an excessive amount of things that I, for some reason or another, never get to wear. Seeing the huge pile of stuff in my room, most of which is absolutely beautiful and absolutely not me, inspired me to take on an important project for any clothing-loving woman- The Wardrobe Purge. Allow me to expand:

What is The Wardrobe Purge?
-The Wardrobe Purge is the realization that you own an impossibly large amount of stuff that's cluttering your life rather than making it enjoyable. Upon coming to this realization, the purge is completed by committing to rid of everything that has proven useless throughout the years, and working on building a timeless, versatile wardrobe that matches your personal style. 

When should you purge?
-Whenever there is a 'new beginnings' type episode in your life. Packing for college? Purge. Moving to a different home? Purge more. Feeling depressed and stressed and don't know why? Well, maybe your life is a bit too cluttered- and purging will make you feel much better! 

What should you purge?
-Well, for starters, there's all the stuff that's not up for debate:
  • anything that's damaged or stained beyond repair. anything that can be fixed but you're avoiding as well- if you're not willing to take action in this very moment, you obviously don't care enough about an item and will be avoiding it continuously.
  • anything ill-fitting- too big, too small, cardigans that form that awkward hole in between buttons, everything of the sort. unless it's something big that you enjoy styling as an oversized item, let go. 
  • anything that you feel you've outgrown in terms of shape and color. over your pink Barbie phase? so am I. and most of the pink items are long gone by now (except for the fancier ones that can be styled in a decently adult-looking manner).
  • anything that doesn't feel 'you'. no matter how beautiful an item is, if you don't feel comfortable or yourself while wearing it, the discomfort will show. if it seems like an item is wearing you rather than the other way around, let go.
  • anything formal that you've already worn to an event and are too sentimentally attached to part with. I get it. it's a pretty item, but what good does it do if it's tucked away in your closet? unless you put it on a mannequin and use it as room decor, just discard. give it to a relative that has admired your wardrobe before. prom dresses can be donated, giving you a chance to make a girl feel like a princess. the possibilities are endless!
  • anything that you kind of just purchased and stashed away in a bag, or haven't worn in 2 years (I don't believe in the 1 year rule, just because if you own a lot of stuff that's not always on display, you might forget about those pieces hidden in the very back of your closet.
- Anything that's made it passed this stage goes into probation period. Those things that you find yourself wearing constantly are off-limit. Those are your wardrobe staples- from now on, you should look at purchasing items that you see yourself wearing with at least 3 different wardrobe staples. Everything else enters probation period. With a smaller wardrobe, you're able to see more of the items you own and think of new ways to combine them. Take about 6 months to test out your remaining clothes, and then purge again once you have a grasp on your personal style and what items you actually wear. During this time, be mindful about anything you purchase- make sure to keep impulse purchases to a minimum!

Good luck!
I hope my wardrobe purge introduction has inspired you to tackle the clutter in your closet! Stay tuned for Part 2, where I will be sharing some ideas on what to do with your unwanted clothing!

Thanks for stopping by! :)

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