It's been a while since I've been able to take a moment, breathe, and do some blogging. While everyone around me seems to be getting busier, my semester is (finally) slowing down and I have no shame in admitting my daily activities= sleep and hardcore Law&Order: SVU marathons. I guess that's the upside to torturing myself towards the beginning of the semester.
Since I came back to school, it's been difficult not only to find time for blogging, but especially for outfit posts- there's a select number of people that I feel comfortable asking for help, most of whom are not currently around the area/ not able to help cause they have their own lives and schedules, so I was pumped when my beautiful coworker (you rock, Jocelyn!!!) took me up on a quick photo shoot during our girls' day shopping trip.
I've been rocking this scarf quite frequently since fall began, and I even turned it into a toga for a party (though now there's pin marks in it and I'm not particularly happy about that). I can't remember where I got my hands on this beauty, but I thiiiiiiiink it might be one of the (high number of) scarfs that my grandma received as a present at some point and decided to share. Few things make me happier than my grandma getting scarfs as presents- my family has great taste, and my grandma always feels generous towards her youngest granddaughter :)
And for now, it's my time to say goodbye to you all! Thank you so much for stopping by, and I promise I can't wait to be able to spend more time working on my little blog and finding new
Have a lovely evening!