Opinion: On "23 Things to Do Instead of Getting Engaged Before You're 23"

Jan 24, 2014

A few weeks ago, my Facebook news feed was bombarded with shares of “23 Things to Do Instead of Getting Engaged Before You’re 23.” In case you missed it, here is the original link: 23 Things to Do Instead of Getting Engaged before You're 23. I’ve never been angrier with anything I’ve read online, so I figured I’d get this rant out of my system.

            I’d like to preface this by saying that I don’t know where I stand on getting married young. In fact, I clicked on the link because I was genuinely open to ideas to try out before turning 23. Upon reading the article, however, I was severely disappointed.

            This article is listed as a personal opinion, but it stopped being just that the moment this ignorant girl put down her peers in order to make herself feel better. This girl likes to pretend that she sees some holy light that all of her inexperienced baby-popping friends fail to acknowledge. In reality, her immature approach and closed mind prove that she has no business telling people what to do.

            With the Millennials, I have begun to- as she put it- notice a common thread- we tend to actively look for ways to screw up and label them as “finding ourselves”. And if there comes a moment when our friends, God forbid, figure themselves out before we do, well, it’s okay. We can just judge them and criticize them for having the adult thing down. Besides, they’ll get married and spit out babies in no time. THEN WE CAN FAT-SHAME THEM!

            Don’t get me wrong, I am beyond grateful to be living in a world where screwing up is allowed and even encouraged, but some people are abusing this privilege. When did it become ok to shame those brave enough to start life alongside another human being and celebrate those who YOLO through it without a care in the world?

            This Millenials’ rights advocate lists inexperience as the reason young couples choose marriage. She seems to believe that as soon as you tie the knot, your life is over. There’s housekeeping and pregnancy written all over your forehead. She seems to believe that colleges and grad schools don’t accept married people, and travel visas are awarded based on your marital status. She seems to believe that you have to screw a lot of frogs before you come across a prince. She seems to believe that young people use marriage as a safety blanket rather than as what it is intended to be- a manifestation of love.

            But maybe, just maybe, some people decide to go through life’s steps quicker than others. Maybe they’ve experienced more in their 23 years of life than she has. Maybe they’ve found themselves, then found somebody they want to share their lives with- ya know, get passports with, adopt a pet with, eat mad amounts of Nutella with, and even hang out naked in front of a window with. Meanwhile, she can go about her life toying with people’s emotions and waiting to see when it will blow up in her face….because that’s what experienced, highly educated risk-taking people do.

            The bottom line is, there is nothing wrong with her for being single. There is nothing wrong with her married Facebook friends for being married. There is nothing wrong with anybody, as long as they’re productive members of society and they choose to live their lives in ways that work best for them.

P.S. Saying “I do” is probably a much higher risk than anything on her irrelevant list. 

Outfit: Tights and Distressed Jeans for Winter.

Jan 18, 2014

Photos by Aidan Bradbury-Aranda
beret- thrifted
earrings- thrifted
necklace- Topshop
bag- thrifted
chunky sweater- thrifted 
blouse- thrifted
tank (underneath)- mother's
tights- Charlotte Russe
jeans- Decree at JC Penney
shoes- Graceland

After packing for back-to-school, I didn't have many bottom options besides these incredibly distressed jeans that my parents really aren't fond of. To me, these have always been more summer music festival material, but I managed to make them work for the current weather conditions by pairing them with mustard colored opaque tights. Having the bottom part all figured out inspired me to choose a thrifted peasant blouse that complemented the tights color. 

When stuck on everyday outfits, simply find one item that you're keen on wearing that day and the inspiration will flow. Try focusing on items that haven't been worn in a while, just to figure out whether or not to keep the item in the future. If you find yourself postponing on wearing a certain item three times in a row, then maybe it's time to donate or DIY it into something more desirable. 

Thank you so much for stopping by :) 

Outfit: Colorful Oversized Sweater.

Jan 15, 2014

Photos by Aidan Bradbury-Aranda
headband- unknown
earrings- unknown
necklace- Icing by Claire's
bag- New York and Co.
jacket- thrifted
sweater- thrifted
leggings- Body Basics
boots- Jasmin (Ross Dress for Less) 

While decluttering my closet over winter break, I was thrilled to find my thrifted, oversized granny sweater! It is one of those purchases that I never got around to wearing, mostly because I've been lucky to deal with warm climates recently.

Since northern New Mexico doesn't have the most swoon-worthy weather (at least in my humble opinion), knitwear was a must. Brightly colored sweaters should be a must, especially during those months when everybody seems to be getting the winter blues. This particular piece happens to have it all- it's fun, warm, and cuddly. It's clothing like this that makes the winter months more bearable for my summer loving, beach bum self!

Thank you so much for stopping by :)

Outfit: Polka Dot Jeans and Thrifted Tops.

Jan 14, 2014

Photos by Aidan Bradbury-Aranda
beret- Wet Seal
earrings- thrifted
coat- Zara Basic
blazer- thrifted
grannie sweater (underneath)- thrifted
jeans- Rue21
bag- Elle
sneakers- Converse

Around spring last year, I became infatuated with the polka dot jeans trend. The Marc by Marc Jacobs polka dot skinnies were my dream, but sadly, never my reality. I wanted to embrace the trend, but wasn't willing to/ didn't have hundreds of dollars to spend on it. So, I went to the mall with a goal- to satisfy my polka dot craving on an ambitious budget- under $20.

My first stop was Forever 21, which had the perfect Lily skinnies replica for a mere $32, but I resisted the urge. In a last attempt, I ended up in a Rue 21, and there they were....for $16.99. They actually ended up costing me only around $7 when I went to the cash register, which was AMAZING!

Today, these jeans may be past their trend prime, but they're so much more of a statement when you don't see them on every other girl in the room. I love the fact that, beyond simply being 'in', these jeans are so me!

Thank you so much for stopping by :)

Outfit: Black Coat.

Jan 12, 2014

Photos by Aidan Bradbury-Aranda
pearls- mother's
red jewelry set- made by my boyfriend
bag- Nine West
coat- Forever21
blazer- Max Rave
blouse- L.A. Hearts (at PacSun)
jeans- Forever21
boots- thrifted

A few days ago, my boyfriend and I went on the greatest date in Santa Fe! For the first time, we finally tried a local French place which everyone has been raving about, and let's just say, loads of Croque Madame, crepes, and macaroons entered our bellies. We roamed around the streets for a while in search of the perfect photo op, but it was beyond cold. We took shelter inside of the St. Francis Cathedral, which I had surprisingly never entered. It was a beautiful day, ending with a lovely/awkward family dinner, because I will honestly be forever awkward around my boyfriend's parents- even though they're possibly the sweetest people on this planet.

Though I put on the most winter friendly coat I own, New Mexico's near polar vortex hit me way more than expected. My trusty coat put up a strong fight, but it was no match for the wild winds of northern NM. I suppose it's time to take cover and hibernate until March.

Thank you so much for stopping by :)

My People's Choice Awards Favorites.

Jan 9, 2014

Naya Rivera
Frazer Harrison/Getty Images

Allison Williams
Jason Merritt/Getty Images

Olga Fonda
Jason Merritt/Getty Images

The People's Choice Awards are definitely not the most style impressive celebrity gathering. Tonight, I was disappointed in most of the outfits I saw on the red carpet. I didn't find any of them absolutely disgusting or anything, but as people who have the luxury of putting on basically whatever they feel the need to before an awards show, the celebrities present truly missed the mark. 

The red carpet seemed to be all over the place, from too casual to incredibly dressed up. The three celebrities that managed to capture my attention were Naya Rivera, Allison Williams, and Olga Fonda. All three women were able to highlight their bodies without showing too much skin, and were dressed appropriately for the semi-formal awards show. 

Rivera was my ultimate favorite, wearing one of the most beautiful high-low color-block dress I have ever seen. I LOVED Allison Williams' dress as well, but the shoes were a bit of a party foul in my opinion. Olga Fonda's look was flawless- she's sporting a major neck plunge AND back cutouts, yet manages to look classy, not skanky. 

These are simply my opinions on tonight's outfits. Everyone is entitled to their own.

Thank you for stopping by! :)

Casual Chic.

Jan 7, 2014

Photos by Leon Petriu
hat- Burlington Coat Factory
earrings- Icing by Claire's
jacket- Dolled Up
blouse- Talbots (thrifted)
necklace- unknown (taken from mother's closet)
bag- Ralph Lauren (thrifted)
pants- Farlow Jeans
boots- Jasmin (Ross Dress for Less)

To be honest, the first bit of feedback I received on this outfit was "It looks like you're pregnant." BUT, on the bright side, the unfortunate comment was made by my dad, so I didn't feel as bad about it- he's not necessarily the most style-oriented guy. 

Sure, the blouse is a bit loose, but the breezy, comfy look is one of my go-to's for those days when there's social commitments, but no desire to go out in the world. It's comfortable, looks put together, and doesn't require much effort. The outfit itself is plain and relies on color scheme for cohesiveness, but the accessories give it a pop. I'm normally not an advocate for big on big jewelry, but the chunky necklace and massive earrings didn't interfere with each other's beauty. The hat is one of my prized possessions. I love the camo flower accent! 

Thank you so much for stopping by! :)

Vibrant Winter.

Jan 4, 2014

Photos by Leon Petriu
hair accessory: unknown
earrings: unknown
jacket: Old Navy 
sweater: Old Navy
woven shirt: Aeropostale
bag: New York and Company
leggings: Body Basics
boots: thrifted

When I was turning 16, I had an insane pink phase. My Sweet 16 birthday party was filled with pink napkins, plates, clothes, and presents. Since that's my most vivid memory from the teenage years, pink has always been a color that I associated with my childhood.

In an effort to adopt a more grown-up look, I've steered away from that color scheme. I'm purchasing more neutrals and reds these days. But the truth is, pink has always been- and will continue to remain- who I am. Yes, it's the stereotypical ultimate girl color, and it probably invites people to not take me seriously, but with a look that goes beyond the head-to-toe bubble gum vomit that I used to favor back in the day, I'm hoping I can still show my brights some love without being automatically linked to Barbie in people's heads. 

I suppose trying to pass off leggings as pants doesn't particularly help my cause, but these are just the comfiest things I own- AND they're thick enough to not show unwanted skin. The dark bottom balances out all of the pink and purple sunshine radiating from my upper body, making the outfit more mature rather than lazy college girl status (which is definitely how I was feeling at the time). 

All in all, however much I try to escape, I think pink is here to stay in my life/wardrobe, so I should probably just accept my fate.

Thanks for stopping by :)

Light Sweater, Sunny Afternoon.

Jan 1, 2014

Photos by Leon Petriu
hat- thrifted (orig. Merona)
earrings- unknown
necklace- Rue21
jacket- Rue21 (New Look)
sweater- Pacsun (LA Hearts)
spaghetti strap (underneath)- American Eagle Outfitters
leggings- Body Basics
bag- unknown
boots- Charlotte Russe

Northern New Mexico isn't the most pleasant weather-wise during this time of the year. At least, not for a summer lover such as myself. A few days ago, though, the weather was perfect- cold enough to know that it's winter, but warm enough that I wasn't absolutely repulsed by the idea of heading outside. 

I've been waiting for the opportunity to wear this soft sweater which I got on sale at Pacsun for a few weeks. I only got it because it was buy one, get one free on tops and I was obsessed with the other top that I purchased, so might as well get my free gift, right? I'm beyond happy with my choice, though. 

It's one of those sweaters that's layer friendly for winter, but can hold its ground during warmer temperatures- such a versatile piece! I can't wait to pair it up with something extremely colorful for a fun contrast!

Thank you for stopping by, and happy New Year! :)

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