Fun: On My Nightstand- Diane von Furstenberg's The Woman I Wanted to Be.

Aug 24, 2015

Growing up, I was never an avid reader. I'll admit to that much. I remember being in first grade and having the longest list possible of 'recommended' books (which in Romanian parents talk meant required books). I went into summer with an overachiever attitude, proud of the fact that I was old enough to be assigned homework! In elementary school!

But that didn't last long as I discovered that reading just wasn't my cup of tea. Don't get me wrong, magazine articles, features, and the interwebz will be my dear friends for life, but as far as straight up books go, it's always been a challenge.

I can count the number of times I've felt unstoppable while reading on one hand. The Virgin Suicides. The Great Gatsby. The Wizard of Oz. The Harry Potter Series. 

And now, the beautiful Diane von Furstenberg. 

As a form of enrichment, I've decided to attempt to read one book per week- a mix of biographies, novels, self-help, and everything else that's good in the world.

I purchased The Woman I Wanted to Be as soon as it came out, but sadly it didn't come with a dose of motivation. Having carried it around for a while, I decided it would be the perfect first book for my little project. And luckily, I didn't even realize how good of a plan that was!

The moment I opened this book, I could not put it down. Of course, part of this is because Diane's life is one of the most interesting stories you'll ever hear. But it's not just in the story itself. It's in her tone and demeanor throughout the book. Her storytelling is enchanting, and many a times I found myself daydreaming about the exact people and moments she was describing. 

The way she speaks about her experiences as a financially and sexually liberated woman, with no judgement, with an air of ease, gave me such hope and peace of mind. She writes in a gentle matter-of-fact tone, with optimism in sickness and in health, with sincerity and intimacy. 

Reading her words was an inspiring and empowering experience, and dare I say, this is one of those rare, life-changing books. It made me curious, excited for the future, more passionate about my career choices.

She is the woman I want to be. Fearless, fun, beautiful inside and out. 

Thank you so much for stopping by! Make sure to give this book a chance. It's definitely a must-read.

1 comment :

  1. i always love reading designer autobiographies! definitely will check out this one :)


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