Outfit: Oversize Blazer + Tulle Skater Dress.

Jan 7, 2015

Photos by Aidan Bradbury-Aranda
jewelry set: garage sale
oversize blazer: Forever 21
dress: H&M
clutch: unknown
shoes: Payless ShoeSource

Hello, everybody!

Well, here it is: the first outfit post of 2015! I have a bunch of stuff lined up for the blog this month, but I thought it would be appropriate to start off with the New Year's Eve outfit! I celebrated with my family and boyfriend at the parents' house, after realizing that the cold in Downtown San Antonio was not something we wanted to deal with- neither was trying to find a hotel room super last minute. 

Speaking of super last minute, I had no idea my 'rents would be into dressing up for the occasion, therefore this is the result of me quickly pulling out stuff from the clothes I had left at home and creating an outfit in 5 minutes. I suppose it wasn't too shabby. I got the LBD at the Hollywood H&M for (NO JOKE) 5 bucks. The catch is that it happened forever ago- remember when you could walk into a store and buy incredibly inexpensive items rather than pretending that a $15 (orig. $16.99) item is a good sale? Yeah, me neither. 

A special shoutout is in order for this garage sale'd shiny set that I've been unable to get enough of lately! Thanks for that one, mom!

And thank YOU for stopping by my blog today! :)


  1. Happy New Year! This is such a lovely holiday outfit. I love how you kept it classy with the simple black dress!


    Looks by Lau

  2. That blazer looks stunning on you!


  3. Beautiful outfit! Loove the necklace!

    xoxo Colli // my blog - tobeyoutiful

  4. I think this just all goes to show that true fashion items can be timeless no matter the price or brand of the item!! Great steal, glad it's lasted you this long :)


    1. Thanks, Ellen! I love it when inexpensive items end up being keepsakes :)

  5. You are so classy! I love the blazer :)

    — Michelle | MXP STYLE


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